Friday, 15 March 2019

Are RSP serious about buying

And the correspondence between parties BDB to SHP 9/2/2018

The reply from SHP to BDB 15/3/2018

BDB's reply 21/3/2018

SHP's response 9/4/2018

Then nothing until after the 17/7/2018

BDB to SHP 18/8/2018
and a reminder on the 18/9/2018
At this point GVA acting for SHP take over and reply on 3/10/2018

Then CBRE for RSP taken over and reply on the 10/10/2018

GVA reply on the 14/12/2018

Nothing further until February 2019 from CBRE


  1. Best laid plans of mice and men, then Mrs Gloag booted Fraudmann outa the deal,is it any wonder why sir Roger Gale MP has put pressures on Mrs Gloag( Mafia/old boys club tactics )and hasn't entertained the other parties that back at the beginning of 2014 David Smith CBE of KCC had contact with on running Manston.

  2. Words fail me re RSP, although 'bunch of fucking crooks' comes close. They have no intention of building an airport, they just want the land.
