Thursday, 21 February 2019

Funding statement

When the Manston DCO was accepted for examination the Planning Inspectorate issued a Section 51 letter (link) on the 14 August 2018 which detailed what the Examining Authority required immediately. The Section 51 letter asked for various financial matters to be addressed as a matter of urgency.
This 1st deadline was reached 5 months later on the 18/1/2019 giving plenty of time for the following questions to be fully answered and those questions were the following
If people cast their mind back to the previous two abortive CPO attempts you will remember that both failed because Freudmann & Co failed to provide assurances that they actually had any money, the first because they had equity of $2M and a credit line of $400K from an obscure American bank and the second because their "due diligence" failed owing to redacting financial statements which provided absolutely zero reassurance they had any money at all.

The reply from RSP's lawyers was received for Deadline 1 (18/1/2019) and is available here. It falls well short of the requirements the Examining Authority required  however for some reason nothing has yet been done about the shortfalls.

Maybe or maybe not
Or again maybe not
"RSP does not generally have funds or assets" Never a truer word spoken
But as 90% is owned by MIO Investments registered in Belize and therefore who controls RSP what are those ownership details (still not answered)
So translated we still may never tell you who they are

So to clarify despite having 5 months in which to answer some pretty basic questions, as per normal, Freudmann fails to provide answers however as Deadline 3 was reached on the 15th February 2019 many observers are agog waiting for some actual information. I suspect the 4 examiners are less than amused by the lack of actual information provided.
Still maybe that will change but I won't hold my breath.

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