In February the planning department responded to the consultation notice from Riveroak Strategic Services for the DCO of the former Manston Airport site as follows:-
ask for: Iain Livingstone Direct Line: 01843 577140 Date: 16/02/18
Mr Walker,
by Riveroak Strategic Partners for an Order Granting Development Consent for
Manston Airport
Statutory Consultation on Proposed Project
you for consulting Thanet District Council under the provisions of Section 42
of the Planning Act 2008.
outline our specific comments on the information provided at this
pre-application consultation stage of the process below. Regard should also be
had to the Council’s first response to the previous formal consultation earlier
this year (dated 21st July 2017).
and Basis of Project
outlined with the Council’s previous consultation response, the Council’s
empirical evidence demonstrates that airport operations at Manston over the
Local Plan period are very unlikely to be financially viable. The updated work
by Azimuth Associates still fails to adequately consider the importance of the significantly
lower cost of belly-hold freight capacity and the peninsular location of
Manston within the UK and the South-east, and it fails to show how the project
would overcome these fundamental limitations.
lack of any cogent business case for how the project will be funded and
delivered has also not been addressed in the second consultation, nor have any
reasoned or transparent financial projections been provided. All previous
comments made by the Council regarding the business case are therefore still
valid and significant uncertainty remains about the delivery of the project and
the purported benefits.
your consultation documents the current capability of the airport in terms of
flights is stated as zero. It is noted that this figure is contested by the
owners of the airport site. This will form a key determination for the Planning
Inspectorate when deciding whether the project constitutes a National
Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP). The Council would recommend that you
clarify this matter as a
priority, to ensure that all stakeholders are assured of whether the NSIP will
progress past the acceptance stage.
Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR) does not include the
Proposed Revisions to the draft Local Plan (preferred options) from January
2017 in its analysis of local policy in various sections, however it includes
the January 2015 consultation, which has equal weight in decision making at
this stage in the production of the Council’s Local Plan. The Environmental
Statement (ES) should be updated to reflect the correct local policy framework.
continues to be a lack of clarity about the use of potential job growth as a
result of your project. For example, the new PEIR states that the project would
bring “4,000 direct and 30,000
indirect jobs to the local economy by 2038”, whereas the previous PEIR stated
that by year 20 of operation over 4,200 people would be directly employed at
the airport site and a further 26,000 in the “wider regional economy”. The
economic area, be it the ‘wider regional economy’ or “local economy”, is not
defined in any of the consultation documentation and this should be added to
the ES. These job numbers continue to be generated on the basis of a
theoretical academic report with no acknowledgement or provision for optimism
bias, rather than on a studied financial appraisal of the project and expected
is noted that the consultee comments of section 13 of the PEIR does not include
the Council’s previous comments, unlike the assessments made in other sections
of the PEIR. There remains significant uncertainty about whether the
socio-economic benefits from your project in terms of job creation attract
significant weight in support of the project, with these benefits overstated in
Section 13 of the PEIR. Due to the continued lack of explanation to address the
above concerns, it is not considered that the effect on the economy of Thanet
would be “major beneficial - significant” due to the limitations in the
evidence produced.
refer to our previous consultation letter for how to address these concerns.
proposed commercial development on the northern grass does not appear to be
functionally required for operational purposes of the airport and should not
form part of the projects viability assessment. This development could be
situated on allocated employment land within the district, such as Manston
Business Park.
Requirements and Employment Implications
note the “Review of Future Housing and Employment Growth and Capacity for
Development” document which you are consulting upon (also referred to as
‘Employment and Housing Land Technical Report’ within the PEIR). The main
thrust of this document, compiled by your planning consultants RPS, is that
there are adequate alternative sites to deliver housing to meet the district’s
objectively assessed need (OAN) without designating the Manston Airport site
for housing and that the Council have under-estimated the likely job growth
within the new plan period.
report produced makes basic and fundamental errors in its analysis of
additional sites, including using out-of-date SHLAA information, identifying
some sites already recommended for inclusion, double-counting of sites,
assuming that all sites submitted are acceptable (ignoring obvious
environmental constraints and the Council’s sustainability appraisal), whilst
the analysis of the potential economic growth in the plan period includes
inaccuracies and a lack of understanding of the relationship between housing
numbers and expected job growth.
more importantly, this report fails to address the matters raised in our
previous consultation response, that the implications of the job creation
purported from this project would significantly affect the OAN for housing
within the East Kent region. The impact is a likely significant increase in
housing land requirements in Thanet. This may result in indirect effects, such
as additional loss of countryside through housing development and significant
new infrastructure demands, which has not been assessed in the PEIR. As
previously outlined:
assessment must be carried out within the full submission reviewing job
creation in your project and the relevant plan documents in Thanet, Dover and
Canterbury (phased over respective plan periods), reviewing the labour supply
with existing studies available in all three areas, assessing where the
projected workforce will be drawn from to the airport, modelling migration
adjustment from this information therefore deriving implications on housing
need in the district and the region.
has not been provided, neither have the ramifications for this on Thanet’s
countryside been adequately assessed within your submission (including within
the socio-economic and landscape visual impact sections of the Environment
Statement (ES)).
socio-economic impacts
following comments made in our previous consultation response remain valid:
burdens on local services are considered to be major adverse impact during
operation in the PEIR, which would result from the increase in residence of
operational workers in the district. This effect should be linked to the work
to be carried out around the increase housing requirement in the district and
neighbouring authorities (above in Housing Requirement section), to quantify
the impact on local services as accurately as possible.
surveys of the location and character of vulnerable groups and community
facilities to be undertaken do not appear to be provided in the PEIR, with more
details to be provided in the ES. We will await this information, and request
that the potential for local employment and training during construction and
operational phase be outlined in full in the ES and subsequently secured via
appropriate obligations, as per our previous comments.
comments raised regarding the use of out-of-date data are relevant, as the
tourism profile of the district provided within the PEIR has not been updated
to reflect available data on visitors from the 2015 Cambridge Economic Impact
Model, further information can be found via: The Council has adopted its Economic
Growth Strategy, which is referenced at PEIR section 13.4.27, however the
Experian report from 2012 was not adopted and is not considered up-to-date.
on how the likely effects on local amenity, businesses, the destination and the
experience of visitors will be mitigated by environmental measures has not been
outlined in PEIR, with the significance level of effect not yet assessed on key
areas such as disruption to local communities and amenity effect on tourism
during operation of the airport. As previously outlined, all indicative flight
paths would travel over Ramsgate, and night flight mitigation (see Noise and
impact on living conditions section) would not impact on the multiple flights
during the day that could adversely affect local business, inward investment,
the expanding filming industry and a successful tourism sector. We await the
further assessments to inform necessary mitigation before commenting on whether
these impacts are significantly harmful to local communities, business and
tourism in the district.
and Vibration, Land and Air Quality
project has the potential to result in significant impacts as a result of noise
and vibration and on land and air quality. Our response assesses each section
in order of the PEIR Chapters.
and Vibration
of Assessment
on the PEIR 2018 and associated documents and appendices, the scope of the
aircraft and ground noise assessments are generally considered appropriate and
consistent with policy and current guidance at this stage.
scope identifies that noise from operational static sources is not possible at
this stage as detailed design has not been undertaken and therefore necessary
information is not available. The PEIR states that without mitigation, impacts
can arise from these sources and presents a commitment that within the embedded
mitigation no significant impacts arise. It is considered that this approach is
reasonable at this stage. The methodology and approach to assessing and
controlling noise from sources of this nature is detailed in Appendix 12.5 and
is considered to offer a reasonable approach at this stage. The PEIR states
that noise from these sources shall be controlled such that the “rating level
at the worst noise affected property minus the background level is not more
than -5 when assessed in accordance with BS4142”. This is considered a
reasonable approach and should become a Development Consent Order (DCO)
PEIR commits in a number of locations in the document to a specific course of
action or outcome these should become conditions or requirements for DCO. It
would be helpful if there was a table to track these commitments through the ES
and the planning stages.
scope of the construction noise, construction vibration and construction traffic
noise assessments are generally considered appropriate and follow relevant
scope of the phasing of the development and associated phasing overlaps are
unclear. Paragraph 12.4.15 states that Year 2 is 2021 and year 20 is 2039,
whilst paragraph 12.9.3 states 2020 as being Year 0 and 2026 as Year 15. These
statements are inconsistent, the latter being incorrect and whilst this may
simply be a typographic error, uncertainty is created by these statements. It
is understood that Phase 1 is anticipated to last around 12 months and the
other phases will be undertaken at an unknown date, as the airport expands.
Further clarity is required to
provided on the assessment years and phasing of the development. Consistency of
assessment years and phasing details should be provided throughout the ES.
and combined impacts from the various sources have not been assessed at this
time. This will be required as part of the ES.
methodology and data gathering for assessment of aircraft and ground noise are
generally considered appropriate. Associated legislation, policy and guidance
have been considered and applied in an appropriate manner. The following points
are made, including areas where clarification and/or additional analysis is
required to be addressed within the ES:
The methodology in particular considers the most recent policy
developments associated with Heathrow Expansion and their application to
Manston (the draft Airports National Policy Statement – draft ANPS) as well as
the broader development of airspace policy and guidance.
The establishment of LOAEL and SOAEL values is considered to be
appropriate and based on the latest UK Government (draft) policies relating to
aircraft noise and WHO guidance. The methodology recognises that current
policies are draft, and adopts a lower threshold for LOAEL daytime than
proposed in the draft ANPS. SOAEL values align with those proposed by draft
policy and WHO for night-time noise exposure.
The assessment method determines that likely significant effects from
operational aircraft noise are determined by reference to absolute noise levels
(or absolute values related to aircraft noise) with specific criteria for
residential receptors for significant effects being attributed to exposure
greater than SOAEL or another similar metric. Paragraph 12.8.28 of PEIR 2018
indicates a range of other considerations for determining significant adverse
effects when the exposure is between LOAEL and SOAEL. However, these do not
appear to have been considered in the assessment criteria for operational
aircraft noise. For example, significant effects can arise when there is an
adverse noise change as a result of change in the acoustic character of an area
(as recognised in Planning Guidance – Noise (PPG-N)). Consideration should be
given at the earliest opportunity as to whether this approach has implications
for the identification of significant effects. This has a bearing on the
identification of likely significant effects in the PEIR.
The study area appears to be appropriate although it is not clear how
this area has been determined and further detail on this should be provided..
There have been no aircraft operating at Manston since 2014. The
population considered in the study area can therefore be considered to be newly
exposed to aircraft noise - it is not clear how the implications arising from
this being a newly exposed population are being considered or how they may
modify the effects. For example, there is evidence that initial annoyance
responses may be greater at opening than the standard exposure response
suggests, but over time this can moderate. As noted later in the report, the
number of dwellings exposed to LOAEL increases over the 20 year assessment period.
be given to the changing response over this time. It is noted however that
there is no current methodology for applying the implications of this apparent
Table 12.14 identifies “impact criteria” for non-residential receptors.
The table title appears to be incorrect referring to “non-sensitive” receptors
rather than “non-residential”. The identified impact criteria are considered
appropriate for the categories defined. However, the potential effects are
considered to be understated for schools and hospitals. For schools, the effect
of noise is a developmental delay (at least in Primary Schools) resulting from
change in noise levels. For hospitals there is evidence that there are delays
to recovery if noise levels are significant enough. In both cases the higher
noise level and change the worse the effect. This should be noted and
In DCO terms, the proposed scheme is the ground based development. The
development consent for this ground development does not provide consent to fly
aircraft onto or off the renewed runway. Consent for the new air traffic
movements has to be secured separately, from the CAA, in line with the new UK
airspace policy, guidance and procedures and therefore consent for the specific
effects of aircraft noise falls to that process. That said assessment of
effects from the airspace must still be reported within the DCO process.
Concerns may arise associated with the lack of detailed definition of the
airspace design and therefore lack of certainty over the effects from airborne
aircraft noise. The airspace design process as presented in CAP1520 (and
adopted for this project) requires assessment of effects from aircraft noise in
the same terms relating to government aims of noise policy as per the Noise
Policy Statement for England. Further stages of consultation are required
through that process.
The PEIR notes the issues surrounding airspace design. An assessment
approach is proposed and described in Appendix 12.3 – the consideration of
effects from airborne aircraft relating to evaluating airspace design options
is detailed and well considered given the information available at this time
from the airspace design process.
The application of the aims of Government noise policy (ie avoid
significant; mitigate and minimise adverse; and improve where possible) on
sustainable development, as required at DCO and through the airspace change
process represents a more stringent set of tests than would have previously
been applied under the existing APF and previous airspace design guidance.
In considering the effects of night flights, the methodology goes beyond
the requirements of policy in its consideration of “objective awakenings”.
However, there is a lack of clarity on how this is considered, assessed and
derived. Further explanation of the concept of “objective awakenings” and how
this considers events rather than just average noise levels should be provided
in the ES, in particular explanation should be provided in non-technical
language as, far as possible.
Paragraph 12.6.8 appears to scope out “Quiet Areas” on the basis that it
is “understood that there are no areas within the study area that would be
referred to in the NPPF as being prized for their recreational and amenity
value”. Clarity is sought on where this understanding comes from. Figure 11.38
indicates that there are many areas at the more tranquil end of the
tranquillity spectrum (as defined by the Campaign to Protect Rural England).
Whilst it is
that “Quiet” is not the only determinant of tranquillity, clarity should be
sought on how these areas are being considered in the assessment and where the
understanding that there are no quiet areas is derived from.
Appendix 12.3 describes the methodology in more detail. In the “options
appraisal approach” the use of WebTAG for monetisation is identified but this
does not feature in the main body noise and vibration section (ie Chapter 12).
In Appendix 12.3 it is indicated that one of the dose-response relationships
used in webTAG has been replaced stating that “dose response cover replaced by
RIVM 2014 as it was identified as being the best fit for the Proposed
Development”. Clarity should be sought on what this means and on the rationale
for adopting the RIVM 2014 approach which is not referenced nor described
anywhere else in the documentation and the implications of this are not clear
or explained for the analysis.
Policy requires that WebTAG be the primary tool for assessing effects,
other methods can be applied but these should be as a secondary, sensitivity
analysis. Clarity is required on how the RIVM 2014 dose response relationship
has been applied, the evidence base for applying this and the precedent in this
context (there is no alignment with policy) and whether the results presented
in the options appraisal are based on that or WebTAG and whether any
sensitivity analysis is available. At the ES, all the options appraisal should
primarily present WebTAG results, anything else must be treated as a
sensitivity analysis.
The WebTAG spreadsheets for aircraft noise were updated towards the end
of 2017 to enable analysis to 1dB resolution (previously 3dB bands) and to
consider population rather than dwellings. Scheme appraisal for the ES should
be undertaken with the latest version.
Whilst the assessment methodology for
construction noise and vibration is generally considered as appropriate the
following points need further consideration:
The BS5228:2009+A1:2014 “ABC Method” has been used and Category C
thresholds are identified in Chapter 12 to correlate with SOAEL and Category B
and Category A thresholds as LOAEL. This is not a precise interpretation with
the notes to Table E.1 in BS5228. Note 1 to Table E.1 (in BS5228) states “A
potential significant effect is indicated if the LAeq,T noise level arising
from the site exceeds the threshold level for the category appropriate to the
ambient noise level”. Therefore a potential significant effect could occur at
thresholds lower than interpreted in the Chapter 12 assessment. It is noted
that there are a number of “static caravan” type homes at locations around the
airport and given the lower level of sound reduction from the building envelop a
potential significant effect may occur at these lower levels, in particular at
night. These static caravans are detailed in the landscape assessment but do
not appear to be mentioned in the noise and vibration assessment.
The earthworks activities may require consideration of Section E.5 of
BS5228:2009+A1:2014. This section gives guidance on the application of criteria
to long term earthworks more akin to mineral extraction than conventional
construction activity. BS5228 suggests that the limit of 55 dB LAeq,1h is
adopted for daytime construction noise for these types of activities but only
where the works are likely to occur for a period in excess of six months.
Precedent for this approach has been set within a number of landmark appeal
decisions associated with the construction of ports. Whilst it is noted this
criteria is not commonly applied it could be considered applicable given the
scale and duration of the earthworks at the airport.
The construction noise assessment does not give both typical and
worse-case noise levels. Appendix 12.3.1 details they are construction levels
when the activity is at the closest work area to a receptor and therefore can
be considered as worse-case noise levels. It is noted that the core
construction hours are stated as 0800 to 1800 yet a LAeq,12hr is given.
Similarly the night time noise assessment uses a LAeq,8hr noise level whereas
BS5228 uses LAeq,1hr for the assessment of night time noise.
The construction noise levels are described in Appendix 12.3 as being a
LpAeq,T as a free-field level relating to a position 3.5m from any building.
Free-field noise levels have been used in the baseline survey. It is noted if a
facade correction is applied to consideration of a point of interest 1m from
the façade of a sensitive receptor then predicted construction noise levels
will be higher. Appendix 12.3 states that assessment considers conservative
daily noise levels calculated from the worst case location in the working area.
It is noted if a façade correction is added to some of the predicted noise
levels the apparent threshold may be exceeded e.g. Table 12.17 Receptor 1,
Receptor 8 and Receptor 9.
The methodology adopted for the calculation of vibration levels from
construction activities is that advocated within Transport and Road Research
Laboratory Research Project 429 – Groundborne vibration caused by mechanised
construction works and BS5228-2:2009+A1:2014 ‘Code of practice for noise and
vibration control on construction and open sites – Part 2: Vibration’. The
assessment is limited to 100m and is consistent with the aforementioned
guidance. This approach is consistent with guidance and contemporary
The assessment adopts a VDV of 0.2 as the criteria for the onset of a
significant effect. The assessment predicts PPV of 3.6 mms-1 external to
sensitive receptors but no significant effect is identified as the VDV does not
meet the criteria for a human response significant effect. Though the VDV
response, is not met other contemporary assessments use PPV criteria for human
response and a PPV of 3.6 mms-1 can be considered a significant effect,
depending on the duration. The duration of the anticipated PPV of 3.6 mms-1 and
the number of receptors affected is not described and so the significance is
not clear. It is also not clear if vibrations during start up and shut down of
vibratory compaction equipment have been considered. Clarification is required
as to the duration of the potential effect from vibratory compaction and
whether the start-up and shut-down of compaction equipment has been considered.
The ES should clarify whether or not this results in a significant effect, that
is currently not identified.
The baseline noise levels for the periods used
to establish the BS5228 ABC category are detailed in Appendix 12.4. The expanse
of the survey is considered generally suitable although it is noted that the
reporting does not include night time LAeq,1hr baseline noise level used in the
Environmental Statements for recent high profile schemes where construction
working at night is required, such as for HS2 and Tideway. The PEIR suggests
that night time construction may be required in Phases 2-4 and as such regard
should be given to night time LAeq,1hr baseline noise levels.
baseline surveys for the Chapter 12 assessment, reported in Appendix 12.4
indicate a LAeq,8hr has been used and when the variation in LAeq,1hr levels
over the quietest part of the night have been considered there is potential for
lower baseline noise levels at a particular site and thus a potential increase
in effect. It is noted that the application of LAeq,1hr to the assessment of
night time construction noise is by no means universally accepted however it is
the Council’s preferred reference period for the assessment of the construction
works against a LAeq,1hr baseline for night-time working.
baseline assessment of vibration has been conducted and is deemed not to be
required given the absence of sources of baseline vibration. This approach is
considered appropriate.
of effects
assessment of effects from aircraft and ground noise is considered to have been
generally undertaken using an appropriate methodology. The review has
identified a number of areas where clarification and/or additional analysis is
required to be addressed within the ES. There are also comments about the
adequacy of the mitigation plan which should be addressed within the ES. These
are presented below:
The assessment does not make clear the direct and indirect effects of the
development. This should be made clear at ES.
The combined effects of construction (for those construction phases after
opening), road and operational aircraft do not appear to be considered.
Particularly of concern would be those combined night-time effects after
opening arising from night-time construction activities. This should be
addressed in the ES.
There does not appear to be reference to cumulative effects with other
major projects in the area. Clarity is sought and this assessment should be
included within the ES. The assessment of effects does not clearly demonstrate
how the aims of Government noise policy have been met. This should be included
in ES.
Night flights:
Sleep disturbance caused by night flights is perhaps the most sensitive
aspect of any airport operations at Manston, particularly where cargo
operations are central to the case. The results presented at Table 12.25
indicate that at night that the number of dwellings exposed to noise levels
>night-time SOAEL is 225 in year 20, an increase from zero in Year 2.
The mitigation identified for this residual “significant effect” appears
to be in the form of the “sound insulation grant scheme”. It is standard
practice when addressing aim 1 (avoiding significant effects) to apply a noise
insulation and compensation scheme. This scheme as proposed in the mitigation
plan however is only a £4000 contribution towards the costs of insulation and
ventilation. There is a question as to whether a “contribution” is adequate for
“avoiding” significant effects as per aim 1 of the Government’s noise policy.
Further, paragraph 12.9.45 indicates that the mitigation “will avoid or reduce
significant effects at many receptors”. Noise insulation schemes
this nature only “avoid” significant effects where the noise insulation is
actually installed at the property. It is considered unlikely that the cost of
noise insulation and ventilation would be less than £4,000 and so this will
then generally require a contribution from the homeowner. Consequently, take-up
is generally low when a grant type scheme with a contribution to the costs only
are provided - to drive take-up of the scheme full costs need to be provided
alongside provision of acoustic glazing options. It is considered that this
scheme would not provide adequate coverage to enable a claim that the
significant effects from aircraft noise are avoided.
The aviation policy at Heathrow has more
generous compensation package and restriction on night flights (11pm-7am). The
Air Navigation Guidance 2017 sets LOAEL of 51dB LAeq16hr for daytime noise and
45dB LAeq8hr – so the proposed contours (50/40) are significantly ‘tighter’ but
mitigation doesn’t apply until 63dB day and 55dB night to properties within the
contours, which is significantly worse than proposed by Heathrow extension.
○ The
proposed night flying restrictions presented in the Noise Mitigation Plan
indicate that only the QC8 and 16 aircraft cannot operate between 11pm and 7am.
As the PEIR points out, aircraft technology is improving and aircraft are
getting quieter. Clarity should be sought on the extent to which this would
make a difference to minimising the effects of night flights. Consideration
should be given to ways to incentivise the use of quieter aircraft types at
night and/or how the noise limits and fines can be used in combination to act
as an incentive.
The assessment identifies that there are no dwellings where there would
be at least one additional awakening either at Year 2 or Year 20. It is not
possible to verify this as there are no contours presented, however this seems
unlikely given there are over 200 dwellings inside the night-time SOAEL in Year
20. The method for the calculation of awakenings is not apparent through the
documentation – key considerations need to be understood to enable
understanding of this result. This should be included within the ES.
The assessment considers there is likely to be an even temporal
distribution of flights across the night – ie 1 per hour. Clarity should be
sought on the likelihood and reality of this happening in practice given the
nature of the night-time operation being cargo only. This assumption may
partially explain why there are no additional awakenings forecast - additional
awakenings is a function of the magnitude of internal noise events, the number
of the events and the time/frequency between events. It is therefore essential
that clarification is provided on the proposed night flights schedule and this
should be detailed and assessed within the ES.
The analysis indicates that the most effective means for reducing sleep
disturbance is the preferential runway use proposal which reduces flights over
Ramsgate. Clarity should be provided on the feasibility of this, if it is to be
presented as a mitigation option (though it is recognised that this is a matter
for airspace design so may not be relevant for the DCO).
Notwithstanding the issues outlined, the number of movements within the
night-time period should be limited to 8 in accordance with all environmental
information produced, otherwise all work in the Environmental Statement would
not adequately assess the impact of the development. Therefore there should be
no objection for this restriction to be stated as a DCO requirement.
Seven schools have been identified as having a significant effect arising
from the development (Paragraph 12.9.58 and Table 12.10). Table 12.26 presents
the predicted aircraft noise levels for non-residential receptors including
schools (as identified meeting the impact criteria). Paragraph 12.9.61
indicates that “noise sensitive schools... have been identified which are exposed
to noise levels in excess of 60 dB LAeq,16hr”, however the noise levels in
Table 12.26 do not support this statement, presenting no schools having noise
levels greater than 58 dB LAeq,16hr, unless the magnitude of the change has
resulted in this identification. Clarity should be provided on which criteria
has identified significant effects for these schools.
In respect of the mitigation applied to schools where a significant
effect has been identified. In Appendix 1, Section 3 of the noise mitigation plan
the proposals for the Noise insulation scheme are set out. This section states
that “The airport will provide reasonable levels of noise insulation and
ventilation for schools and community buildings within the 60 dB LAeq (16 hour)
day time contour.” The data presented in Table 12.26 would suggest that there
are no schools that meet the eligibility criteria for the scheme – so whilst
seven schools are identified with significant effects these would not qualify
for the noise insulation scheme. The proposed noise insulation scheme for
schools is considered insufficient to mitigate the significant effects that
have been identified.
Further details and revision of the noise insulation scheme for schools
should be provided as part of the ES that demonstrate adequacy to address the
identified effects. The scheme currently defines that the project “will provide
reasonable levels of noise insulation and ventilation”. There needs to be
greater clarity on the approach to define reasonable and what criteria would be
applied. A good starting point would be the application of noise insulation and
ventilation to enable the requirements of BB93 to be met. A revised mitigation
plan should be provided with greater detail on this scheme.
The noise contour plans show additional
contours i.e. the extent of 57dB(LAeq16hr-daytime) contour as this is the
threshold where the Aviation Policy Framework suggest there is the onset of
significant community annoyance, as well as the 60dB contour (which had to be
requested additionally by the Council for the consultation).
The analysis indicates (para 12.9.53 and Table 12.25) that the number of
dwellings exposed to daytime SOAEL increases from 48 to 115 between year 2 and
20. As with the night–time SOAEL point raised above, there is a question of
adequacy of the proposed noise insulation scheme if this to be the primary
means to “avoid” significant effects.
The analysis indicates that the number of dwellings exposed to noise
levels greater than LOAEL both daytime and night-time is likely to increase.
Whilst it understood that the number of movements is forecast to grow and hence
the noise exposure footprint gets larger, and that that this is largely a
matter of airspace design, some clarity of how the mitigation measures
presented might address this to reduce the effects commensurate with the growth
forecast is required to be provided. It is not clear how the mitigation
measures reduce the effects over time. For example, as with night flights,
there appear to be few incentives for operators to consider operating least
noisy aircraft available and appropriate to the service.
Paragraph 12.9.45 refers to “embedded” mitigation from the mitigation
plan as outlined in section 12.7. However, it is not clear which of those items
in the mitigation plan would be considered embedded and which of them
contribution to reducing noise levels – not all of them do, eg the noise and
track monitoring system is a management tool, whilst this is an important tool
for reporting it would not necessarily reduce noise. Further it is not clear
which ones have been considered in the development of the dwelling counts
exposed to SOAEL and LOAEL values.
The evaluation of airport mitigation options presented in Appendix 12.3
is considered appropriate.
Mitigation Plan:
In addition to the specific effects comments
raised above with respect to night flights and schools the following points are
made, that should be addressed within the ES:
It is considered that the mitigation plan as currently presented does not
provide sufficient information as to how the items enable the aims of noise
policy to be achieved and which of the aims of noise policy each addresses.
There should also be an evaluation of the mitigation elements to demonstrate
how they each meet the aims of noise policy to avoid significant effects;
mitigate and minimise adverse effects; and improve the effects on health and
quality of life. The evaluation should demonstrate why they are considered
Further, the NMP indicates that the requirements of the ICAO Balanced
Approach have been considered in the development of the mitigation but it is
not clear how each item relates to the aspects of the ICAO Balanced Approach.
The assessment of effects clearly shows that the effects worsen over time
as movements grow and so there is no mechanism built in to the mitigation to
apply some measure of control over the growth of adverse effects as the airport
grows, ie there is an implication that worsening effects is a consequence of
growth. This is a limited view and the mitigation plan should present
mechanisms to incentivise the airport and or its operators to improve
performance and reduce these effects over time, in particular where there are
significant effects identified eg from night flights and to schools.
The mitigation plan presents some night flight restrictions with annual
quota limits applied to the core night quota period (2300 to 06:00 in this
case) of 4000, with an additional quota of 2000 for flights in the shoulder
period (defined as 06:00 to 07:00 for this
airport) – that is a total of 6,000. The analysis indicates a maximum of 8
flights per night and so an overall average quota count per movement of 2.
However, there is no restriction on the number of movements in this period, so
there could be many more movements by aircraft at the lower quota count range,
or fewer at the higher end. This Quota Count approach can be an effective
mechanism for managing the effects of night flights, especially when considered
in conjunction with the noise insulation scheme. However, given the current
limitations on the information provided, it is unclear how effective this
mechanism will be until all matters raised have been addressed.
It is not clear what the securing mechanisms are for these mitigation
items, clarity should be presented at ES on how these items will be secured.
Paragraph 1.4 includes planes “scheduled to land” within the night-time
period, but omits those aircraft that land during the night-time period when
the scheduled landing time has been altered.
Appendix 12.3 presents an appraisal of the airport mitigation options for
displaced thresholds and alternative glideslopes. This analysis indicates that
these potentially offer relatively small benefits over the standard positioning
and slopes and so they have not been adopted. Limitations in the way in which
these have been assessed mask the benefits for those that would benefit (in
particular people in Ramsgate). This may be acceptable for the early years of
operation where the impacts have been demonstrated to be much smaller it is, in
later years the impacts have been shown to worsen, with no mitigation present
to reduce noise levels as the airport grows other than assumptions that
technology will deliver. It is therefore considered that in the ES further
analysis should presented to demonstrate that without these (and potentially
other) mitigation elements that all the aims of noise policy can be met; how
these options could be deployed over time to offset some of the worsening of
effects that accompanies the growth of the airport; and to demonstrate how
significant effects have been avoided as far as possible before the application
of a noise insulation scheme.
The adoption of continuous descent approach does not appear in the list
of mitigation elements. Evaluation of this should be provided within the ES.
Measures should be developed, considered, assessed and analysed that
could be implemented over time as the airport grows to offset the increased
effects (increased glideslope may well be one of these).
An analysis and evaluation of the noise limits and fine proposals should
be undertaken to support the mitigation plan so that some understanding can be
provided of how much of a deterrent the proposals may be. This should be
detailed within the ES.
It is important to emphasise that residents
will not have recourse to complain to the Council Environmental Health team to
investigate complaints of aircraft noise because Statutory Nuisance does not
apply to aviation which is specifically exempted hence why it is vital all
residents affected are made aware in plain English of the implications of the
potential noise..
There are a number of different noise metrics units used within the noise
mitigation plan including EPNdB and LAMax that are used to describe noise
levels from individual aircraft. These could be considered complex for the
layperson to understand and it is recommended that a non-technical version of
the mitigation plan is prepared to accompany the ES.
The description of the proposals for night flight restrictions is long
and complex – the tables of aircraft types are very lengthy – consideration
should be given to providing a simplified explanation (perhaps with a more
technical supporting note). This should be simplified to enable better
understanding. A time period of application and review should also be applied.
The justification for the number and location of noise monitors is not
provided. The proposals for the noise monitoring terminals indicate a position
of 6.5km from start of roll. The reason for this positioning should be made
clear. It is assumed that this is because this is the same approach as that
taken at other airports where noise limits are in place as it relates to the measurement
position used for determining take off noise in the ICAO aircraft noise
certification process. The potential locations should be highlighted on a map
for ease of understanding. Whilst this approach is appropriate as a minimum,
there are other options for citing noise monitoring terminals. For example,
noise monitors could additionally be cited in communities where significant
effects have been identified – this would be especially helpful to track noise
levels over time, especially when this has been identified as worsening. This
would provide transparency. Greater justification should be provided in the ES
on the noise monitoring arrangements including reasons for rejection of
alternative/supplementary community based approaches and who will monitor the
data and how will this be reported.
World Health Organisation (WHO) and the former PPG24 indicate that
exceeding an LAMax of 45dB can cause sleep disturbance inside bedrooms at night
or 60dBLAMAx outside an open bedroom windows. This is a significant concern and
the NMP takes no account of this maximum noise level at night other than to
penalise aircraft who breach this at a considerable distance from the runway;
82dB at the reference point 6.5km away is going to be significantly louder over
Ramsgate and the intervening land under the flight path. The WHO night time
noise thresholds recommend an even lower LAmax of 45 dB given that it is
reasonable for people to have their windows open. By year 20 approx. 10,139
dwellings will be exposed to noise levels in excess of 80dB LASMax. Greater
justification should be provided in the ES to clarify what “in excess of”
means, and how the NMP would mitigate this impact.
There are no time-based incentives, performance targets, or review
periods identified so it is not clear how the mitigation plan will be reviewed
over time for adequacy and effectiveness (including the financial penalties to
be imposed) and to incentivise the development and implementation of further
mitigation (eg new technology) to be introduced to reduce effects over time.
From a construction perspective the following
comments are made:
The overlap of activities within a phase may not have been presented as
only the construction activity noise levels are given and not the overlap of
activities that may occur temporally as such further significant construction
noise effects may emerge. The effect of overlapping activities may be greater
than the effect for the individual activities. Consideration of cumulative
impacts needs to be included within the assessment contained within the ES.
The construction vibration concludes that at Spitfire Way will exceed the
SOAEL for construction vibration for works lasting more than one month and
states that the potential significant adverse effect from construction
vibration will be managed by managing the amplitude at which the compactor
operates. It is confirmed that potential significant adverse vibration effects
can be avoided through the CEMP specifying requirements around the use of the
of vibratory compaction equipment.
Paragraph 12.9.25 sets out the noise mitigation plan associated with construction
activities. The approach set out is considered reasonable and follows standard
practice with other major construction projects. The s61 application process
will ensures further opportunity for TDC to ensure that effects of noise and
vibration are mitigated appropriately to enable significant effects to be
avoided as indicated in Paragraph 12.9.26.
Conclusion of preliminary significance
For aircraft and ground noise the PEIR
identifies areas where there are likely significant effects for residential
receptors and schools. In particular night time effects are identified and
these worsen over time. These results are considered to be sufficiently robust
given the stage of the process. However, the implications of noise level change
for identifying significant effects have not been assessed for residential
receptors and this could lead to effects being missed.
It is not clear how effective the mitigation
proposed will be and how this manages the worsening of exposure over time.
Specific points have been raised in section 4.5 of this review. It is expected
that greater clarity should be provided in the ES and that the airspace design
will have evolved further (though not yet finalised) to provide greater
From a construction assessment perspective:
The summary of significant effect details for construction noise there is
a minor/moderate temporary effect on the community of Minster with
minor/moderate/sleep disturbance at 14 dwellings at Bell Davies Drive and
Spitfire Way.
With consideration of the overlap of construction activities and the
other points raised above there may (or may not) be further significant effects
or an extension of the duration of significant effects.
Combined effects are not presented.
Non-technical summary (NTS)
NTS presents an overview of the significant effects from aircraft and ground
noise and where they may arise for residential receptors. Whilst indicating
that the effects on schools have been considered, it does not present the
number of schools where a significant effect has been identified and how these
are to be addressed. Whilst the NTS presents the number of dwellings with
significant effects in Year 20, it does not indicate that the effects worsen
from Year 2 through to Year 20, nor how the mitigation plan will address this.
NTS does not discuss the implications of the noise mitigation plan, other than
the noise insulation scheme for residential dwellings. The NTS goes on to say
that properties exposed to significant noise levels (ie greater than SOAEL)
that they “qualify for noise insulation under the proposed noise insulation
scheme. The noise insulation scheme will reduce noise inside all dwellings such
that it does not reach a level where it will significantly affect residents” –
this is a statement that is not used elsewhere and if part of the scheme should
form part of the description of the scheme. There is, as previously mentioned,
a question to be asked as to whether a scheme that only provides a financial
contribution, not the products, not the suppliers, nor an assessment of
improvement can be deemed adequate to meeting the “avoid” significant adverse
effects noise policy aim and whether it supports this statement in the NTS.
NTS provides the summary below with regards to construction noise and this is
considered an adequate and accurate summary of the Chapter 12 assessment.
of the assessment
assessment of odour has been carried out in accordance with the Institute of
Air Quality Management Guidance and is presented in an Appendix 6.4. It
identifies the fuel farm as a highly significant source of odour and recommends
that mitigation measures, such as vapour recovery or floating roof design,
should be applied. These measures should be demonstrated that there are
sufficient to mitigate the impacts. Furthermore, the results of the odour
assessment should be referenced within Chapter 6 including conclusions within
Table 6.40.
assessment found that the significance of odours arising from aircraft
operations were uncertain. It is appreciated that there are inherent
difficulties in estimating odours from airports before they start operating,
however, the project should seek to quantify the impacts further and propose
mitigation if necessary.
consider the scope of the assessment to be appropriate. It addresses the key
impacts at relevant locations and assesses these for appropriate years.
air quality chapter provides adequate responses to comments raised during
consultation with one exception. This being our previous comment that an
emissions mitigation assessment must be provided in accordance with Thanet
District Council Air Quality Technical Planning guidance 2016.
6.13 of PEIR only sets out a monetisation of air quality effects and the only
mitigation assessed is the upgrading of construction plant to meet Stage IV
emission standards. It is therefore
that the PEIR does not fulfil the requirements of Thanet District Council’s Air
Quality Technical Planning Guidance (2016).
consider the data gathering and assessment methodology to be appropriate and
that the assessment has generally been carried out in accordance with good
practice, and the results were supported by the evidence.
assessment used appropriate legislation, policy and guidance. The methods for
determining significance were clearly identified and are considered
exceptions to this are set out below:
Fugitive dust emissions were not explicitly assessed. It is proposed that
these will be addressed via the proposed Dust Management Plan (DMP). However,
this PEIR should have included an evaluation using the relevant guidance, to
identify potentially significant impacts and appropriate mitigation. Such
assessment should be included within the ES.
The use of ADMS to assess aircraft sources does not account for aircraft
specific plume characteristics. The use of an aircraft specific model such as
ADMS-airport would have been preferable. However, the use of ADMS is likely to
have overestimated rather than underestimated the impacts.
The use of transects of receptors for the roads modelling is unclear and
not a standard approach. This has led to the exclusion of the road traffic
contributions from the contour plots.
We consider the baseline data and its sources
to be appropriate and adequate to enable the identification of likely
significant effects.
The future baseline has been assumed to be the
same as the current baseline. This is considered a conservative assumption.
Assessment of effects
The assessment identified the likely
significant environmental effects for all relevant operational phases. However,
demolition and construction impacts have not been evaluated at this stage. Such
assessment should be sought to be included in the ES.
The environmental effects have generally been
assessed using an appropriate assessment methodology. However, the use of
transects of receptors for the roads modelling is unclear and not a standard
approach. This has led to the exclusion of the road traffic contributions from
the contour plots.
It is considered that the assessment addresses
the relevant types of effect associated the development.
assessment has considered the cumulative effects with other existing and/or
approved projects. It identified residential developments and included the
additional road traffic they are expected to generate in the traffic model.
However, no details of how this was done are given and further details on this
approach are required to assess the robustness of the conclusions.
of preliminary significance
conclusions of the assessment are generally considered appropriate and robust,
and the significance of the effects have been identified.
assessment found that the impact of the proposed development on annual mean NO2
concentrations was slight in St Lawrence where the background is very high due
to existing road traffic. It proposed mitigation measures (construction plant
to meet Stage IV emission standards) for year 2. For years 6 and 20 it again
found a slight impact in St Lawrence, but proposed no mitigation. For year 20 the
assessment it was expected that measures to reduce road vehicle emissions over
the next twenty years would lead to the airport impact being classed as
negligible, but these reductions have not fed through to the assumed background
concentrations, so it is not possible to verify this conclusion.
Lawrence currently fails air quality objectives and the Council’s draft policy
will not permit worsening of air quality where levels already exceed legally
binding limits. Therefore, the project needs to either demonstrate that the
impact in St Lawrence is negligible, or propose alternative mitigation to
offset the impact in St Lawrence (e.g. possible junction improvements to reduce
existing traffic related NO2).
monetisation of air quality effects (provided in section 6.13 of PEIR) could be
used as a basis to calculate a contribution for Emissions mitigation payments
to be agreed between the applicant and the Council.
impacts at a small number of properties close to the airport are identified,
although it is recognised that currently NO2 concentrations are sufficiently
below legal limits.
small, but not insignificant, impact on the annual mean NOx objective at the
major ecological sites means that it cannot be screened from further
assessment. The Biodiversity chapter includes further assessment of the
ecological sites. It is noted that an appropriate Habitats Regulations
Assessment (HRA) will be needed for the proposed development. This will need to
consider the impacts on European habitat sites of the proposed development
itself, and in-combination with other plans and projects.
of the assessment
proposal within the PEIR is that an outline Construction Environment Management
Plan (CEMP) will be provided with the DCO application, based on currently
available information, and that a full CEMP, informed by intrusive site
investigation and risk assessment, will be produced at a later stage.
consultees make comment on the requirement for an intrusive site investigation,
and the importance of the CEMP as a tool for managing risks due to land
Land Quality Assessment undertaken and reported in the PEIR 2018 comprised: a
desk study, including review of existing desk study reports and two intrusive
investigation reports (each for a small area of the site); a site walkover;
identification of information gaps; and a geotechnical assessment. The
intrusive investigations that exist cover a very small portion of the site, and
there is no intrusive site investigation data for most of the site.
is no allowance in the scheme of definitions for ‘harm’ such as allergic
reaction, dermatitis, skin irritation, headache or nausea that might arise from
exposure to contaminated soils, but which does not result in significant harm.
assessment of effects is carried out on each receptor, and a summary of
significance of effects is provided in Table 10.14. The assessment would
benefit from a table showing the sensitivity of each receptor, which is
currently buried in the text.
10.13 provides the significance criteria, which include a site sensitivity of
very high. This has not been defined – receptor sensitivities as set out in
Table 10.11 are defined for high, medium and low. A definition of ‘very high’
sensitivity should be included in the assessment. The matrix allows for two
categories of significance, these being ‘significant’ and ‘not significant’.
Only three of the matrix squares results in a significant effect, which is not
consistent with other Chapters (e.g. Chapter 12, Noise). Further justification
for the significance criteria is required.
sequencing of the assessment methodology is confusing and potentially
misleading for the reader. Potential environmental effects (on groups of
receptors) and Mitigation Measures are discussed in Table 10.8, before
receptors have been defined. Receptors are then introduced in Table 10.10.
Environmental effects on receptors are then assessed in Section 10.8, variably
assuming that Environmental (Mitigation) Measures are already in place. It is
difficult for the reader to map back to Table 10.8 from section 10.8, as the
receptor groupings are not consistent.
consequence, it is difficult to judge whether the proposed Environmental
(Mitigation) Measures are appropriate, as they are described prior to a
discussion of effects. The assessment would be improved by removing Table 10.8
and including a preliminary assessment of environmental effects,
pre-mitigation, identification of Environmental (Mitigation) Measures, followed
by a revised assessment of the residual environmental effects and environmental
significance in Table 10.14.
Phase 1 Geoenvironmental Desk Study is presented in Appendix 10.1, from which
much of the baseline section of the assessment is derived. Reports are cited on
two phases of site investigation a tank farm (the Jentex Tank Farm), located
directly southeast of the airfield on Canterbury Road. A site investigation
report also exists for the area of the radar mast in the north western area of
the site. There are no intrusive site investigation data for the majority of
the development site. Baseline soil and groundwater quality is therefore
unknown. The conclusions of the Phase 1 Geoenvironmental assessment (10.4.49)
do not include radiological sources, although these are identified in the preceding
text. Historic and recent aircraft breaking activities have not been included
in the baseline assessment, although these have been raised by the Council as
requiring consideration.
site is underlain by the Principal Chalk aquifer, overlain in places by
quaternary head deposits. The baseline describes the site being underlain by
quaternary deposits comprising clay and silt, whereas mapping shows these to be
absent over much of the site. Clarification of the extent of superficial cover
overlying the Chalk is required.
site lies entirely within the catchment of the Source Protection Zone (SPZ) for
the Lord of the Manor groundwater abstraction. This abstraction, which is a
significant groundwater resource, relies substantially on an adit in the Chalk
which runs below the existing runway, approximately 50m below the site. The
runway and part of the site are in SPZ Zone 1, and the south-central and
south-east part of the site is in SPZ Zone 2. The Chalk aquifer derives its
permeability from secondary permeability (fracture flow) and is therefore
highly susceptible to pollution due to rapid transport of dissolved and
particulate contaminants through fracture networks. The Geoenvironmental report
(Appendix 10.1) is considered to understate the sensitivity of coastal water
(moderate to high) which should be high due to international designations, and
the ecological sensitivity, which does not include the ecological importance of
Pegwell Bay.
baseline description of groundwater is not consistent with the Hydrogeological
Impact Assessment (HIA) presented in Appendix 8.1, and would be improved by
using this document as a source. Groundwater flow directions are inconsistent
between the two documents. Baseline groundwater quality is not described in
Chapter 10, however Appendix 8.1 states that the local groundwater quality is
impacted by nitrates, and organic compounds including TCE and carbon
tetrachloride, both chlorinated solvents that are thought to have been in use
at the airfield (see in HIA, App 8.1). Baseline groundwater quality
should be included in the baseline, and flow and quality descriptions should be
consistent between Chapters 8 and 10.
baseline does not describe the likely distribution of soil or groundwater
contamination at the site, as there has been little site investigation
undertaken across the site. It is considered that the identification of
significant effects is hampered by a lack of intrusive site investigation data,
as baseline soil and groundwater quality is not known.
assessment proposes that the current baseline be used as a future baseline, as
‘in the absence of the Proposed Development, there are no known factors that
are expected to affect the current baseline conditions’. Climate change is
anticipated to affect rainfall infiltration rates and groundwater levels, both
of which are likely to have a measurable effect on contaminant mobility and
migration. The ES should consider the effects of climate change on the estimate
of the significance of effects, and on the likely Environmental Measures that
might be required to mitigate environmental effects.
of effects
Lord of the Manor Public Water Supply (PWS) is not identified as a separate
receptor. This is an omission and should be included, due to the presence of an
adit which feeds the PWS directly below the runway. Specific measures may be
needed to protect this receptor that would not apply to the wider aquifer.
effects are considered in three phases; the construction phase, operational
phase, and the decommissioning phase. It is not recognised that part of the
airport will be operational whilst further phases of construction are
undertaken, which has particular implications for protection of human health.
effects are considered, but none are identified with regard to any of the
receptors. The combined effects of flooding and land quality should be
considered, as should the combined effects of potentially contaminated
groundwater baseflow and surface run-off to drains and Pegwell Bay via the site
discharge. Chapter 8 and Chapter 10 have many areas of overlap, and the
combined effects should be stated explicitly. Any combined effects with Chapter
15 (Public Health) should also be identified.
effects are not discussed; Chapter 18 states that cumulative effects will be
assessed in the ES but not as part of the PEIR. Environmental effects are not
described explicitly in terms of direct, indirect, secondary, transboundary,
short-term, medium-term, long-term, permanent or temporary, positive or
negative effects.
following sections describe uncertainties and omissions in the assessment. ●
Effects on humans:
The potential presence of radiological material is not acknowledged.
Solvents may include chlorinated solvents, which are not mentioned
specifically. The potential for asbestos to be present in soils (possibly in
deliberate disposal pits of significant volume) has not been recognised.
Nowhere does it explicitly state that there is a potential risk to future
site users arising from in-situ soil and groundwater contamination, and that
these will be mitigated through site investigation, risk assessment,
remediation and verification to ensure that the site is suitable for use with
respect to protection of human health.
The assessment of effects assumes that mitigating measures can be found
and implemented via a CEMP, however there is insufficient baseline data to
outline what those mitigating measures might be, how long they might take, or
where they may be required. Potential impacts of the measures on the phasing
and design of the scheme are therefore unknown.
The assessment of the operational phase does not include protection of
site users due to ongoing construction i.e. managing those phases of
construction that occur when the airport is open to the public. Environmental
measures may be required to protect site users of the operational part of the
airport from construction effects.
Crucially, for this proposed development which has the potential to
impact a significant public water supply, the human health effects of pollution
of the water supply have not been assessed.
The assessment of the effect on human health of the permeation of
drinking water supply pipes with contaminants has not been assessed.
Effects on groundwater (Chalk Aquifer):
The effects of construction (including site investigations) on turbidity
in the Lord of the Manor PWS have not been considered, nor have Environmental
Methods been proposed to mitigate against this risk. The effects of the day to
day operation of the airport and the potential for landing large aircraft on
the runway to cause turbidity or instability in the adit have not been
Foundation construction, particularly piling, has the potential to
directly impact the Lord of the Manor PWS by creating pathways for contaminant
transport. Foundation design should be informed by geotechnical and land
quality investigations, and should be agreed with the Environment Agency.
Approval of these designs by the Environment Agency should be a
pre-commencement requirement of the DCO.
Soil and groundwater investigation and remediation activities have the
potential to adversely impact the aquifer and the PWS, and these have not been
The operational phase assessment does not include the effects of general
spillages of hazardous materials across the estate, fire-fighting activities,
the use of pesticides, or de-icing activities on the aquifer or PWS.
The report states that ‘A combination of good practice and site-specific
measures for the protection of the Chalk aquifer, in combination with further
consultation with the EA and with Southern Water, will result in a negligible
magnitude of effect’.
It is possible that standard approaches to groundwater protection will
not be sufficient to protect the PWS, due to its location only 50m below the
runway (bearing in mind that the Chalk is recharged via fractures and fissures
that allow rapid transport of contaminants and suspended solids) on a site that
is likely to be impacted by fuels and chlorinated solvents, and potentially by
radiological material. Site investigations are required to establish the nature
and spatial extent of contamination at the site. It is equally considered
possible that the results of site investigations and risk assessment will
result in changes to the phasing and/or design of the scheme, in order to
accommodate remediation activities or to provide mitigating features through redesign.
For these reasons, it is proposed that some exploratory intrusive site
investigation is undertaken prior to the DCO submission, to provide further
information on sources of contamination. The significance of effects can then
be judged with greater certainty, and mitigating measures identified with
greater confidence.
The effects of a plane crash on the Chalk principal aquifer and PWS are
not considered and should be included in the assessment.
Effects on Coastal Waters:
There is the potential to affect coastal waters as it is understood that
discharge from the site will be via an existing pipe that discharges to Pegwell
Bay. There is ambiguity regarding the sensitivity of the receptor. Coastal
waters are stated to have high
(10.10.2), but Pegwell Bay is stated to have moderate sensitivity (10.10.3).
The national ecological designations at Pegwell Bay indicate that it is a high
sensitivity receptor and should be considered as such.
Paragraph 10.10.10 describes how water treatment will take place on site in
attenuation ponds, and water will only be pumped to the discharge pipe from
these ponds once appropriate water quality standards are reached. The potential
for leakage from these ponds and impact on groundwater quality has not been
Effects on Soils:
The effects of a plane crash on soil quality have not been considered and
should be included in the assessment. The effects of de-icing activities should
also be included in the assessment.
Effects on building and services:
It is accepted that the proposed measures if appropriately implemented can
result in a not significant effect on buildings and services.
of preliminary significance
conclusions of preliminary significance are presented in Table 10.14. The
conclusions are that none of the Environmental Effects identified in the
assessment are significant, if the identified Environmental Measures are
is not easy to link the information contained in Tables 10.8 and 10.9, which
contains the Environmental Measures, and Table 10.14, nor to link these tables
to the discussions in Sections 10.8 – 10.12. It is suggested that the
sequencing of the report is altered in the DCO submission to allow the reader
to be led from receptors to effects to environmental measures to preliminary
significance. As it stands, the report does not allow the reader to readily
assess whether all the issues that have been raised through the chapter are
adequately addressed.
weakness of the conclusions is that many of the Environmental Measures are yet
undefined. It is proposed to develop a CEMP which will detail these measures,
with a draft plan to be submitted with the DCO application, and a full version
to be developed ‘if necessary prior to commencement of works’.
design of mitigation measures and hence the detail of the CEMP must be informed
by a thorough intrusive site investigation and risk assessment. It is proposed
that ‘the need to complete an intrusive investigation will be secured through
the DCO’.
is considered that the former land use is likely to have resulted in
potentially significant land quality impacts, particularly in the runway area
where FIDO was carried out and runway foams were used. The use of chlorinated
solvents and radiological materials are also potentially significant issues
that may be complex to deal with. The adit under the runway which feeds the
Lord of the Manor PWS is a highly sensitive receptor; protecting this receptor
may require rephrasing or redesign of the scheme once the distribution of
contamination is better understood. It is considered that the CEMP that will be submitted
to with the DCO application should be supported by some intrusive site
investigation and assessment, even if the level of investigation is exploratory.
It is considered that further information is required in order to support the
conclusions of preliminary significance.
potential for receptors to be impacted currently by land quality, and for
investigation and remediation measures to be required to prevent ongoing
pollution has not been assessed.
The potential for site investigation and remediation measures in themselves to
pose a risk to receptors has not been assessed.
effects of a plane crash on land quality and the Environmental Measures to be
taken to mitigate risks to the identified receptors has not been assessed.
Technical Summary
NTS section on Land Quality does not mention the Lord of the Manor groundwater
abstraction, or the adit that lies under the runway that feeds this PWS.
NTS does not mention the likely use of chlorinated solvents at the site, and
known impact of the Lord of the Manor PWS with chlorinated solvents, nor does
it mention the historic FIDO practices which may mean that there is potentially
significant impact to land and groundwater quality with hydrocarbons. The NTS
also fails to state how the land may be impacted by a wide range of
contaminants, including radiological materials, associated with historic site
states that the ‘highest risk of contamination is associated with the risk to
groundwater from the Jentex Fuel Farm site.’, although in the absence of
intrusive site investigation data, this assertion is not supported.
NTS states that a finalised CEMP will be submitted with the DCO application, to
include measures to manage any land quality effects. This contradicts Table
10.8 of Chapter 10 which states that ‘a CEMP will be prepared and agreed
following consultation with the EA and other relevant stakeholders if necessary
prior to commencement of works. A draft outline CEMP will be submitted as part
of the DCO application’.
NTS states that ‘An aerodrome manual will be produced for the operational phase
of the proposed development and will include measures to manage effects on land
quality’ An aerodrome manual is however not included in Tables 10.8 or 10.14 of
Chapter 10 which describe Environmental Measures and conclusions of preliminary
significance respectively.
and Visual Impact
inclusion of additional viewpoints in line with our previous comments is
welcomed. The viewpoint plan submitted broadly accords with the comments in the
Council’s response to the PEIR, however viewpoint 5 is sited on Canterbury Road
West, rather than on the A256 adjacent to the eastern extent of the site to the
south of the Manston green site. The response to the Council’s request in Table
11.7 of the PEIR is noted, however a viewpoint should still be provided
situated to the east of the eastern extent of the site on the Haine Road, given
the visibility of the airport from this area from the road and the committed
residential development at Manston Green and visual receptor that will be
present in this community.
PEIR provides wireframes at all 22 locations at Appendix 11.1. These show the
highly urbanising effect of the proposed development on the landscape of the
district, with a significant effect deemed at multiple viewpoints at Appendix
11.3 and the particular effect of the “aircraft breakdown hangers” shown in the
wireframe drawings on residential receptors at Manston, amongst other. It would
assist the Council if the methodology for the production of the wireframe
analysis could be provided, as this is not outlined in any of the
documentation, to ensure transparency and accuracy of the display of visual
effects of the development. This will also help with explaining to the
community how they were produced.
no detailed mitigation has been produced, nor has this been integrated into the
Masterplan, we are not in a position to assess whether the impact on visual
receptors and the landscape of the district will be acceptable or not. For
example, from viewing the masterplan, no buffer or screening is proposed to be
provided along the eastern extent of the site to the south of Manston Road and
Manston Village, which will contribute to a significant impact on close views
of the site from the village.
note that you intend to provide only 6, 9 and 20 viewpoints as visualisations.
We are still awaiting an example of the night-time visualisation example
previously requested and we will use this to provide our view on which of the
viewpoints require visualisation as well as night-time viewpoint assessments.
As per our comments last year, no assessment of the effects of lighting from
the proposed development has occurred according to the PEIR, which in turn
means that night-time visualisations have not been produced for consultation.
We await further information on the impact on visual receptors from this
element of the development.
PEIR states that the mitigation measures incorporated into the proposed
development are stated at Table 11.11, whereas it appears these are contained
within 11.13. As the submission outlines, these are generic principles which
are to be incorporated into the “Manston Airport Design Principles” document
which will accompany the DCO. This is at odds with Table 11.7’s response to
previous TDC comment, which states that the Design and Access statement sets
out the Manston Airport Design Principles. No Design and Access statement is
being consulted upon and from the information provided the masterplan has not
been informed by the outcomes of the landscape and visual impact assessment in
the PEIR. The continued lack of information creates difficulty in commenting at
this stage on how the negative visual impact of the development could be
limited by the design of buildings and potential embedded mitigation.
landscape and visual impact will be considered within the Council’s Local
Impact Report upon receipt of the required information.
additional information regarding archaeological investigation appears to have
occurred since the previous consultation. The response to the Council’s
comments on required trial trenching is stated as:
to limitations on access for intrusive surveys, specific information
requirements will be addressed when access can be obtained. The scope of
further intrusive survey will be discussed with KCC, TDC and HE. An
Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation will be provided with the ES chapter.
It is recognised that given the gap in understanding, alterations to some of
the project design may be required to preserve significant assets in situ in
the northern grass area.”
previously outlined, given the extent of development on the Northern grass
within your proposal, it is considered highly likely that you will be required
to carry out your own trial trenching in this location to support your
submission to the Planning Inspectorate.
County Council (KCC) and Historic England have been consulted on the proposal,
and these bodies are key consultees and their expertise should be relied upon.
relation to indirect-effects from the operation of the airport, paragraph
9.6.16 identifies that the Conservation Areas of Ramsgate, Broadstairs, Minster
and Acol are potential receptors of significant adverse indirect effects. The
indirect effects of noise on designated heritage assets under the flightpath
does not appear to have been considered within the assessment of indirect
effects, rather focusing on the physical changes to the airport site, rather
than changes resulting from its operation. For example, listed buildings in the
flight path will be unable to change windows to provide additional alleviation
from aircraft noise without potential harm to the significance of the asset.
This should be addressed within the PEIR, as the report at reference 169 does
not consider this type of indirect impact, rather focusing on the measure of
noise impact.
and Transportation
will comment on the impact from the development on the highway network, and
their expertise should be relied upon.
previously outlined, the scope of the transport assessment should include the
expected housing requirement within the Proposed Revisions to draft Local Plan
(preferred options) document from January 2017, including any additional
housing requirement resulting from your development. We remain concerned about
the potential impacts on the network surrounding the site from both
construction and operational phase given the likely level of traffic generated
by the proposed development, especially regarding Spitfire Way, Spitfire
Junction and Manston Court Road.
methodology for distributing trips on the network for the Transport Assessment
should be based on either the KCC and TDC strategic model, or a similar
strategic model compatible with the KCC and TDC built for the purpose of
analysing the distribution of trips on the network . A spreadsheet model is
considered inappropriate for the level of trip generation created by the
project without further information on how compatible this model is with the
strategic model. Please refer to KCC Highways and Transportation for further
improvements to the network are alluded to within the updated PEIR, however
they are only briefly outlined with no detailed plans produced. A crossroad
junction proposed at the junction of Spitfire Way and Manston Road would be
preferably a roundabout, however we await further information on how this
revised junction would operate with the movement proposed. The project does not
include the northern link from Manston Road to Westwood Cross within the site.
This link forms part of the ‘inner circuit’ within the Thanet Transport
Strategy (TTS). Given that the commercial development on the northern grass
appears to serve no functional purpose to the operation of the airport to the
south, this area can and should be re-designed to include this route. The
project will also
be required to contribute a proportionate amount to the Manston Airport-Haine
Road link in the TTS outside of the extent of the site.
Natural England and Environment Agency will comment as key consultees on the
impact from the proposal on biodiversity and their expertise should be relied
and Wellbeing
PEIR states that a number of factors contribute towards a greater potential
sensitivity to health impacts in the district, with the magnitude of impact on
public health dependent on the size of the change in noise or air pollution.
Significant concerns are raised about the potential impact from the project at
all stages on public health and wellbeing, especially regarding potential sleep
disturbance from the operation of the airport.. This section of the PEIR is
intrinsically linked to Sections 6 and 12 of the PEIR and the assessments made.
However as the significance of this impact is yet to be quantified, with the
Health Impact Assessment (HIA) yet to be carried out, we are unable to comment
on the implications of the project on this matter.
non-technical PEIR summary states that an HIA Scoping Statement has been
produced, however this has not been provided for comment. It is also noted that
a health forum is to be carried out in coordination with the Kent Director of
Public Health. Thanet District Council should be invited to participate in this
forum, given the potential significant effects suggest by the PEIR on the local
the current deficiency in information with a lack of an HIA at this stage of
consultation, the Council will await further information in your submission
before considering the impact of your project on health and wellbeing.
Teardown Hangers
previous consultation stated the presence of an “Aircraft Teardown Facility”
within your project, however provided little detail within the PEIR. This
facility appears to be replaced in the new PEIR by three “Maintenance, Repair
and Overhaul (MRO)” hangers to be provided over the four phases of
construction, with all hangers stated as being capable of accommodating the
largest aircraft (Class F). This facility is separately referred to in the PEIR
as “a small maintenance
repair and overhaul (MRO) facility with approximately 10 aircraft per year
being dismantled and recycled”.
No other information is
provided, and therefore our comments in our previous consultation response
remain valid. These are found below:
“it is worth noting our
concern with this proposal given the historic use of the site and enforcement
action taken against similar operations previously due to potential
contamination. It is imperative that more information is provided at the
earliest stage to the local community about this facility and how it will
operate. This should include but not be restricted to how fuels and other
harmful or toxic materials will be removed from airplanes during breaking. We
advise early discussions with the Environment Agency on this element of the
project. On the basis of no information being provided about the facility,
we are concerned about the need, viability and operation of such a facility
within a Groundwater Source Protection Zone.”
Agency will comment as key consultees on the impact from the proposal on
climate change and their expertise should be relied upon.
Accident and Disasters
Council note that this section will continue to be developed for inclusion
within the ES to be submitted. Initial comments are made with regard to the
lack of details of the anticipated Public Safety Zones for the airport, whether
the Civil Aviation Authority have been engaged at this stage on the matter, and
how this impacts on the potential receptors affected by the proposed
development, particular with regarding to the existing or future residential
population (including committed development).
inclusion of the Manston Green and Eurokent sites into the cumulative effects
assessment is welcomed. The assessment of cumulative impact may require
additional sites for inclusion when the ES is finalised.
are potentially significant detrimental environmental and amenity impacts on
Thanet and its local community from the development and these have not been
addressed in the PEIR. The Council remain significantly concerned about the
potential impact from your proposed development on the living conditions of
those residential occupiers within close proximity of the airport, those
residents living under the (indicative) flight paths, especially in relation to
night flights, as well as disruption to multiple schools within the district. Further survey and
investigatory work is required before the full impacts of your project can be
ramifications on the proposal on the countryside has still not been assessed
adequately in terms of visual impact and potential housing need, and there is a
deficiency in information relating to delivery of the project or viability over
the short, medium and long term which undermines any perceived economic
benefits to the district from the project.
the DCO and compulsory acquisition is successful, you will be required to work
with the Council as the host authority, when dealing with detailed matters for
the project. We are extremely disappointed that you have been unwilling to
enter into a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) with Thanet District Council
to allow us to ensure that adequate resources for handling the NSIP process are
available and to encourage joint working between the applicant and statutory
above comments are made without prejudice to the Council’s written
representation submission, adequacy of consultation and local impact report on
the NSIP application.
Applications Manager Thanet District Council
RSP's response to these comments is summed up in their DCO document TR020002-002449-6.1 - Consultation Report on page 320 as follows
There is some doubt that Bayford acted within the scope of his responsibilities
To make it clear this is a non-response and despite Bayford emailing, once made leader, to say that he "does not fetter analysis of the project by his officers" it is clear that the TDC response to the registration period as an "interested party" (limited to 500 words) TDC are now much more closely aligned to what RSP need despite the shortcomings in their application.
To make it clear the words are TDC (Bayford and Homer) but the emphasis is all mine.
1. The Local plan removed any protection for aviation on the site
2. The 2500 houses originally placed on the brownfield Manston site were removed to green fields
3. There is no guarantee that the Draft Local Plan will be found to be sound by the Minister
"It is important to emphasise that residents will not have recourse to complain to the Council Environmental Health team to investigate complaints of aircraft noise because Statutory Nuisance does not apply to aviation which is specifically exempted hence why it is vital all residents affected are made aware in plain English of the implications of the potential noise."
"Aircraft noise is not currently a statutory nuisance in the UK. It is not covered by the Environmental Protection Act 1990 or the Noise Act 1996. This means that local authorities do not have the legal power to take action on matters of aircraft noise, and nor does the CAA have the legal power to prevent aircraft flying over a particular location or at a particular time for environmental reasons." Link to CAA